Old School Recipes


Do you remember recipes from when you were little that your grandmother or even your mom used to make you? Ones that you didn’t have often, but when you have it, it triggers that memory of those old brown bowls or a dish that your grandparents used to have? This week my mom made a recipe I haven’t had in years. Pepperoni bread. It’s something my mom didn’t really make but I said, “Mom, I remember Gram making this!” She said I was right and that it was the recipe gram always made. My gram, Lois Liddick, made amazing breads! From special Easter bread with hard boiled colored eggs in it, Christmas bread braided in red and green, monkey bread, white bread, rolls and so many more. But, the pepperoni bread I completely forgot about. A bite of it (my momma generously gave us some of it to try) sent me right back to my grandparents’ dinner table. Gram loved to cook. She took care of her family, and then some. Pap (Floyd Liddick) was spoiled with delicious food until he passed away in 2016. She always had all the fixins. They canned tons of stuff and gram had these old goldish colored bowls kinda like a pyrex dish, but that is what she put her canned fruit in to go with dinner. Everyone got a little bowl of fruit. I loved their cinnamon pears with a side of her homemade bread. It’s no wonder my mom always had a side of fruit with dinner too, and now I do! Except instead of gold bowls, I remember my mom placing a piece of iceberg lettuce then placing the mandairn oranges on top to make it look pretty on the plate. She is dear. I told her how I remembered that and she giggled saying gram always did that when they were little.

It just amazes me how recipes can give you those nostalgic memories. I hadn’t thought about those little golden bowls in so long. Pepperoni bread did that. Mom said my brother (Luke Perry) told her the guys at the Williamsport Water Authority where my pap worked for 37 years still talk about gram’s pepperoni bread. I’m sure gram sent in all kinds of goodies because that’s the kind of person she is. My husband and brother work there now, and my husband came home asking if I had the recipe months ago. I didn’t, not knowing my momma had it this whole time! So this recipe should make some peoples day! I send in treats here and there for the guys, but looks like I’m gonna have to follow in my gram’s footsteps and continue the pepperoni bread tradition at the water company now. It’s so delicious, you are just gonna have to try it for yourself.

Pepperoni Bread

2 3/4 – 3 cup flour
1 pkg dry yeast
1 Tbsp. sugar
1 1/2 tsp. Italian seasoning
1 tsp. Salt
1/2 cup water
1/3 cup milk
1 Tbsp. margarine
1 egg
4 oz. Mozzarella cheese, cut into ½ inch cubes
1/2 cup pepperoni, chopped

Mix 1 1/2 cups of flour, yeast, sugar, Italian seasoning, & salt into a medium bowl. Heat water, milk and margarine to 125 – 130 degrees; stir into flour mixture. Stir in egg, pepperoni and cheese. Stir in enough remaining flour to make dough easy to handle.

Turn onto lightly floured surface; knead until smooth and elastic, 8 – 10 minutes.

Cover; let rest for 10 minutes. Punch down; shape in ball. Place in a greased pie tin or cookie sheet. Cover and let rise for 20 minutes. Bake in 375° oven for 25 – 30 minutes. Brush with butter; cool. Makes one loaf. — By: Lois Liddick