Webb Weekly 6-11-19

Webb Weekly 6-11-19

I love Father’s Day because it gives us a chance to put our dads in the spotlight – a place they’d normally not choose to be. I have three different men in my life who have the roll of a father figure. One being my amazing dad, Lee Perry, who was and has always been a big a part of my life and has taught me so much. My father in law, Bob Rook, who is a man who you just can’t help but love, and is wonderful to me. Then, there is my step dad, Mark Metzger, who is a hard working farmer and would literally do anything for his step kids. On paper, these three men couldn’t be more different. My father in law being a huge golfer, my step dad loving his International Harvesters, and my dad, the Harley biker guy. But every day I realize how similar their approaches to fatherhood are, and why I just love them so dearly. They would do anything for their children or grandchildren. Absolutely anything! How did a girl get so lucky?

My dad has been a big influence on who I am today. Growing up he taught me self worth and to always be who I am. Don’t try to please others. I never tried to be someone I’m not. “Be a leader, not a follower,” he’d say. That molded me!

He taught me to change oil in a vehicle when I got my first car. I thought I was so cool out in my bathing suit at the age of 16 changing oil in my car when it didn’t even need it just because I COULD. Who the heck changes oil in a bathing suit!? (Insert head smack here) Guess dad left that part out of what I should be wearin, haha! But he always taught me, NO, crammed it into my brother and I’s brain that you never ride a motorcycle in shorts. Always jeans, and you best have on boots and a helmet or we met the wrath! We knew better. At the age of 3 on my first dirt bike, I knew baby, but he taught me how to ride and the right rules of how to do it. The age of 19, I was on my first street bike and he taught me the ropes of the open road. Riding motorcycles is just in my brother and I’s blood, it came natural to us. Dad also tried to teach me to water ski, but I never succeeded in that department. Don’t think I ever drank so much river water in my life those weekends! Guess maybe that didn’t come natural, and I even grew up on the river but he never gave up on teaching me. From fishing, to working on cars, riding a bicycle, to standing up to bullies, driving standard, changing a flat tire, and learning to work hard for what you want helped make me into the independent woman I am today.

My dad is always there no matter what. One of the hardest working men I know. Always has a smile on his face and loves his kids with all his heart. Dad’s 100% deserve their own day, To be loved and spoiled a little extra. Father’s day I make my dad some of his favorites for lunch, and him and I take the motorcycles out and go for a ride, just the two of us! Knowing he is right behind me on the bike, and in life, makes me feel like one of the luckiest girls. Having a dad who has taught me so much, and has always had faith in me is a pretty neat thing. “You can do anything you set your mind too.”

Thanks dad, for always believing in me.

Try this out on Dad this Father’s Day… Country Fried Chicken!